Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pumpkin Beer Time

I'm a little late with this post since its the end of September and stores already have their Christmas decorations and merchandise up.  Depressing!! So with that logic it must means that Fall and Pumpkin ales come out in 100 degree August to be sold out prior to Halloween in time for Spring ales right?  
Ok on to this pumpkin beer review while its still relevant.  Rosemary's Baby is a new pumpkin entry from a local Connecticut brewery out of Stratford called Two Roads,
The beer is aged in rum barrels which I'm assuming drives up the desire to acquire it that and a limited supply.  In any event, if you've had the Innis & Gunn Ale Aged in Rum Barrels than this will be very similar in taste.  Imagine taking a Newcastle Brown Ale, Innis&Gunn Rum and add a dash of Spice Island pumpkin spice and whammo you've got something close to the Rosemary's Baby.  I love this beer's easy drink ability, it's smooth transition and balance from mild hops to pumpkin spice.  The rum notes are faintly detectable.  Considering the timing of this beer's release so early in the season, it was not as heavy bodied as so many others in this category making for a nice session beer to drink as summer fades away.
Buy it if you can find it. Do yourself a favor and visit the brewery!  Gotta support the local guys!

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